ExploreMyNetwork allows the exploration of the network.
It automatically calculates the address range of the selected network adapter.
It searches for available devices in this range and identifies all network devices accessible via http (intranet or internet). All you have to do is click on the hyperlink to go directly to devices that are accessible via http (green icons).
This tool is useful to find the IP address (and MAC address) of all devices (assigned by DHCP or forgotten) and indicates the materials accessible via the Web (fax, scanners, printers, cameras ...)
It is very easy to use, even for non-specialists, because it does not require special knowledge. There are four panels that allow an overview. The first panel displays information about the selected network adapter. The second panel displays information about the devices found, distinguishing devices accessible via the Web (green icons) and the devices are not accessible via the Web (red icons). The third panel provides direct access to devices accessible via the web, through hyperlinks. The fourth panel provides information to the user during program execution (start, end, etc.)..